Model Commissions

Model Build Commissions

This is what I do. I spend my day building models and dioramas for customers. Please read on for more background and details of how it works, then please do get in touch. I look forward to working with you! If you can't be bothered to read on and just want to know how much, here you go...

Is there a model you've always wanted?

Let me build it for you. Most of my business comes from customers requesting a specific model which I build for them to their exact specifications.

So why might you want me to do this? Well, most of my customers fall into one of three categories. Firstly, the serious collectors who appreciate the value of an expertly built model to have in their collection. Secondly, people who are themselves modellers but do not have the time, equipment and/or expertise to do justice to a subject that they really want to add to their shelves. Thirdly, I get a lot of business from people who want a model of a specific aircraft or other vehicle that means something special to them personally, or maybe as a gift for someone with such a connection.

The state of the art...

The scale modelling world has advanced in leaps and bounds since the early years when every schoolboy would throw together the latest Airfix offering and hang it from the ceiling. Whilst many will lament the demise of this market, it has now changed inasmuch as the latest kits are spectacularly detailed and accurate (generally!) and aimed at serious modellers who demand the highest quality parts and materials with which to work.

There is now a veritable army of cottage industries producing what we call "after market" products to complement these kits. Some add extra fine detail, or correct identified inaccuracies in the base kit, and some offer conversions to different marks than are available in kit form. And not to mention the endless supply of third party decals and markings to support the creation of pretty much any plane of vehicle ever made (and many that never were!).

I can help...

I don't have any particular brand or scale loyalties, I use whatever is the best available option to get the required result. My experience is largely with aircraft, although I am increasingly taking on commissions in the ship and land vehicle categories as well. Take a look at my gallery to see examples of the work I have done to date.

So if you want a model of it, chances are I can source the kit and materials needed, and probably give you a number of options to choose from. Of course, if you already have the kit and just need my labour - that's fine as well.

Click here to read what some of my customers are saying...

Here's how it works...

If you want to get a feel of what sort of costs may be involved before you make contact, I have prepared some pricing guidelines for you.

Please take a look and hopefully this will tell you what sort of price you can expect to pay.

If that does not scare you off, send me all the details on what you want, (contact info here) being as specific (or vague) as you can in terms of the subject, scale, markings, paint scheme and any other special requests. I'll then do a quick bit of research into availability and cost of the base kits, decals and any other required source materials and get back to you with a lead time and any options that may exist (e.g. correction/detail sets) with associated pricing options. Of course, if you already are in possession of any of the required materials (e.g. kit, decals etc) this will be taken into account. Anything you can't be specific on I'll make an educated guess or command decision on and include this in the proposal.

* I should point out at this stage, that if your request is out of my comfort zone for any reason, or I have any other concerns that I will not be able to deliver a top quality product, I will say so and will not use you as a guinea pig for my experimentation. That is just a waste of time and money for everyone and will only serve to annoy you. I want you to come back for more later so I don't want that to happen.


If you're happy with everything, I'll send you an order document confirming the price and I'll need a deposit (usually the cost of all parts as a minimum) and then I'll do all the necessary procurement. You will be told where you are in my queue of builds, and I'll keep you posted on progress. All you need to do is wait for the end result and maybe deal with any questions/issues I come across in the meantime. I'll of course keep you regularly updated as the build progresses. Obviously I reserve the right to charge extra if any requirements change during the build.

When complete, I'll publish high res photos of the model for your approval. If you are really unhappy with the result then we can part company at that point and I'll see if anyone else wants to buy it! Otherwise, I'll ask for payment of the balance and once received will send the product out to you. Alternatively, you may pick the model up in person by arrangement (and of course if you are not too far away from Reading, U.K.), if you are concerned about it's safety at the hands of the postal system. And who could blame you - but I would reassure you that my packing methods are tried and tested and as at the time of writing, I have not had any major casualties! I will advise you of the damage risk associated with any particular model.

So please do get in touch with your requirements and I'll confirm a price without any obligation. I can promise you that you will get a top class product, built by someone who actually loves what they do and could not conceive of delivering anything less than a top quality result. Not to mention, a really nice guy with a passion for the craft as well...

Full terms and conditions here

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