Here's how it works...
If you want to get a feel of what sort of costs may be involved before you make contact, I have prepared some pricing guidelines
for you.
Please take a look and hopefully this will tell you what sort of price you can expect to pay.
If that does not scare you off, send me all the details on what you want, (contact info here)
being as specific (or vague) as you can in terms of the subject, scale, markings, paint scheme and any other special requests. I'll then do a quick bit of research into availability and cost of the base kits, decals and any other required source materials and get back to you with a lead time and any options that may exist (e.g. correction/detail sets) with associated pricing options. Of course, if you already are in possession of any of the required materials (e.g. kit, decals etc) this will be taken into account. Anything you can't be specific on I'll make an educated guess or command decision on and include this in the proposal.
* I should point out at this stage, that if your request is out of my comfort zone for any reason, or I have any other concerns that I will not be able to deliver a top quality product, I will say so and will not use you as a guinea pig for my experimentation. That is just a waste of time and money for everyone and will only serve to annoy you. I want you to come back for more later so I don't want that to happen.