About Steve Bowe
So who am I? This lucky man who gets to spend all day building models and dioramas as a day job. Well here's a bit of background.
About Steve Bowe
So who am I? This lucky man who gets to spend all day building models and dioramas as a day job. Well here's a bit of background.
Hi There!
My name is Steve Bowe, I live near Reading, U.K. and I have been building models for the best part of twenty years now. That's not even counting the childhood "Airfix" fixation I went through in common with most people (well, boys anyway) of my generation. I used to be in the high flying corporate rat race running a successful IT company, but some years ago I sold up and opted for a quieter life. To occupy my time I indulged in my two main passions, musical composition and scale modelling. After releasing a couple of albums (that's another story!) I soon found that the model making offered a rather more realistic career path, so whilst I am still a keen musician, my days are now occupied with building models. I am fortunate to be in a position where my hobby has become my job.
You will notice if you peruse my gallery, that (albeit with some exceptions) military aircraft are by far my most common subject. More recently I have also found a calling with warships which I enjoy building immensely. I have also built many diorama bases, often populated with various other items of hardware, usually to complement the models I build but I have also built many as stand alone bases for customers.
I enjoy building great looking models. It's what I do all day, pretty much every day. It's the build I enjoy. Once finished, admired and photographed, I'm happy to pass it on to someone who will enjoy it as a model rather than let it gather dust on my own shelves whilst I eagerly move onto something new. That's why all of my time is spent building models for customers, not for myself.
What I do NOT do by default is get all in a fluster about whether the correct number of rivets are represented and whether the shape matches the original blueprints to the nanometre - unless that is what you want. I am equally happy building a model straight out of the box as I am adding every conceivable kind of extra detailing and/or correction. It depends entirely on what your requirements and budget dictate.
So that's me - a professional model maker who does it for the love as much as the money. I'd love for you to commission me to build one to your precise specifications. But even if you are just browsing, I hope you enjoy my web site and my models.
Please don't hesitate to get in touch!